Monday 18 January 2016

Me & bambo = friendship

Bamboushy and Sara are starting to build a lovely friendship which is beautiful to watch after months of fights and no common interests, the times have changed and youssef is growing a brain :)
He is listening to Sara, playing pretend with the toys, doing puzzles with Sara and copying her in everything she says and does which is very very funny sometimes :)

Sara is proud to be her little brothers role model and also happy to be the leader of the pack :)

Sunday 13 December 2015

Me and my brother

This has been a rather big break from blogging during which so much has happened but for now we will post about the current events and revive the past 2 months in my gallery.

This sight does not happen that often :)
Its rather each one playing alone or one (bambo) destroying what the other spent so much time and effort building/doing

We fight :(

                                 We make up :)

Saturday 5 September 2015

Quality time at home

So I get to try all sorts of fun activities and games at home and I am liking it very much!

This is a pretend hair styling game where I get to do funny hair on this drainer.
It looked very funny when it was done!

 I tried to show Bambo how its done so we could play it together, 
but he is still to small to understand

 Bambo went to nap and I did it with Mama

Here I am tracing in my workbook and I got to color the snake with a glue glitter!
I just love sparkles!

Thursday 3 September 2015

A day full of activities!

So today was a day full of activities that we did with mommy and little bambo at home.

I spilled the bag of pegs and we came up with this game of sorting each color in a seperate box

It didn't work out as planned :s Youssef had another game in mind and he is hard to convince so we had to seperate and changed the rules of the game

We gather one color and count them

 And the winner set of pegs was the light blue one! We counted 73 ones!

Then I made a Lego Duplo stage for Ariel and her friends, there was a big show while Bambo practised another game of putting the little hoops into the poles

Then after lunch and some princess play it was time for cookie baking! 
I made many shapes with play-doh moulds and with the knife

This is a scare crow that I made with play-doh and some play doh tools i found :)  

We went out for a walk and I took a picture of this cool tree all filled with locks!

 Running after crows with bambo until we fell into a cheeky water puddle in the middle of all that grass!

 And finally before bedtime I played with this new puzzle that I found in my toys!

This was an exciting day! Goodnight!

Monday 31 August 2015

Bathtime fun!

I enjoy bathtime in my new house in Baku since we have a BIG bathtub where I can have a bubbly pool party with all the princesses :) 

Daddy made me an ice bubbly hat, I look funny!

I love singing in the bathroom, I can hear my voice better !