Sara's Favorites

  - "The Hive"  at the age of 4 months
My mama (babcia berry) noticed that everytime Sara heard the theme song when we were in Poland in Summer, she would smile.. later when she grew older this was be joined by dancing and clapping and later on she could sing along with the tune.
Everybody that loved Sara would either sing her the song or show her the youtube video in order to make her smile :) It was a challenge to make little Sara laugh and smile about something, so this was the trick.

- "Pingu" & "Peppa Pig" 1 Year old upto 3 years old and still loving it, can watch it for hours and knows the episodes by heart :)

- Samolot, Airplane, Tayaya!
Sara flew many times with me in her first 2 years of life to Poland. In the summer of 2013, she took 10 plane rides in 3 months. She LOVES airplanes, can spot them from so so far away and can hear their sounds when inside a taxi or inside the house when the plane is not in sight and run to the window and call me "mamaa samolot! slyszesz?" (mama, airplane! can you hear it?)
She could also know the difference between the sound of an airplane and a helicopter and could always guess it right :) (Summer 2013 was a time when many military helicopters flew over our area, scouting the area during the times of riots and clashes in Cairo)

- "Winnie the pooh" episodes and short movies - At around 2.5 yrs old she started enjoying watching the adventures of winnie the pooh and his friends from the hundred-acre wood.

- Disney princesses is a current obessesion for Sara, started around the age 2.5 when the princesses were introduced to Sara by her cousin and role model Dana, specifically the "Frozen" movie princesses. Soon before reaching the age of 3 Sara knew all of the princesses and saw their movies (which scared her at first a little)

- Chocolate surprise eggs! It's not at all about the chocolate, it's all about the toy surprise that's inside  :)

- Play dough. Before Sara was 2 years old she could spent a lot of time playing by herself with play do. And along with her age grew a wider imagination and use of the play do she is playing with to all sorts of things. I must say this is one toy she never gets bored of and from the very few that I can give to her and have her engaged for a minimum of 30 minutes straight without getting distracted.

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