
Birth: 3.3 Kgs, 49 cm
- First involuntary smile was the day she came home from the hospital 29th Jan, 2102

1 Months+, 4.1 kgs, 52cm
- Sweet little angel
- Started making baby sounds (8 weeks)

2 Months+, 4.8 kgs, 56cm
- Mastered the art of crying, screaming, squeeking
First social smile
- Attempts at lifting head up started
- Smiling and playing with the hanging toys

3 Months+, 5.5 kgs, 57cm
- First time to sleep in crib and not next to mommy :)
- Crying, colics and more crying
- Rolled from belly to back
- First giggle with Wael, 9 May 2012 (3.5 Months)

9 pm way past bedtime, sara giggled to uncle wael while he was playing with her saying "enty poussyy" :D
- First attempt at moving while on tummy: Thurs 17 May 2012 - 3 months & 3 weeks
Daddy was watching sara through the baby monitor while mama was out. Sara was sleeping on her tummy on our bed. When she woke up, daddy kept on watching in the monitor as she moved around the bed trying to reach the edge dolphin style (creeping)

4 Months+, 6 kgs, 62cm
- First attempt to hold her foot in her hands: 27 May 
Sara discovered her foot and toes and kept catching her feet with her hands and pulling them upwards
- First time held a bottle alone and drank from it: 3 June (4 Months, 1 week) - Have it on Video - Happened in Poland while she was sitting in her car seat 
watching TV
- Started babbling. first babble word was "appy" then came "atta" with lots and lots of saliva and loud babbling. Have it on Video

5 Months+, 7.1 kgs, 65cm
- Sit propped with pillows
- 7.7.2012: First meal of potatoes and carrots pureed - didnt like it that much 
- Sat Assisted

- Rolled from her back to her tummy

6 Months+     
- Sit unassisted

- First attempt on eating alone - macaroni spagetti in marina

7 Months+, 8 kgs, 68cm
- First trials at eating alone with spoon yogurt and eating alone with hands spaghetti. (Pics)

8 Months+, 8.4 kgs, 68cm
- Started to crawl and pulling up onto furniture
- Learned to clap her hands 

9 Months+, 8.7 kgs
Stood unsupported (Friday 9th of November, 2013)
Made my first trial at standing freely for 3 seconds in my favorites cousin bed "Nadim". It only lasted for about 2 seconds but my mother was still very very proud and amazed.

10 Months+
- Sara took her first steps. (video)
- Sara learnt to sign milk for when she was thirsty.

11 Months+
- First 2 teeth appeared.
- Sara said mama and meant it for the first time in Poland, she learnt it form emans kids

12 Months+
- Sara learnt new words: Pic, picie, apple, chicken, pilka, kapeta (sock), buty, koko (nesquik), sei (ser)
- 2 upper teeth appeared
- By Age 1 sara could say the following words: 

Uh-oh --> When something falls to the ground
Mama --> When calling me 
Dada --> When calling for Daddy
Mema --> When calling her grandmother mimi
teta --> When calling her grandfather
tito --> For her tetina 

Understands the words: 

daj, choc, piesek, kotek, lyzka, buty, um, pic (drink in polish)

13 Months+
- Sara started using the fork to eat. 
- Sara could say the words: Dana, Nemnem, banana, beii(berry), kapka (for biscuit and socks)
- Sara could sign: milk, koniec, up, open, sleep, eat
Sara said her name for the first time "Saya". After taking a bath, I was putting on her Pyjamas and singing then suddenly she said "Saya" and was very happy about it. Then she kept repeating it till she fell asleep.   14.03.2013  (13.5 Months) (Youssi Video)

15 Months:
By now sara can say: pic, picie, banana, apple, chicken, pilka, skatpetka (kapeta), buty, koko ( nesquik), ser, Owca, Osiol

- Sara learnt some new words during our stay in Poland and others before we came here
  She can say: 
  Kon --> Horse   (Mama taught her)
  Wish --> Fish   (Youssi and Tant iman taught her)
  Pies --> Dog
  Maya --> At any water she sees on the ground like sea, river or pool (Daddy taught her this one)
  Shemmi --> To smell the perfume and any bottles (Wael taught her this)
  Shagara --> At trees (Sara Hallouda taught her so)
  Samolot --> Airplane (Berry and mama taught her)
  Ipad --> Mama taught her this one
  caroni --> Macaroni (Mama taught her this one)

16 Months:
Sara started making very simple 2 word sentences a couple of days ago:
1. Dance Bysio
2. Ptaszek choc

17 Months:
- Sara learnt by herself to sing the abc song , from youtube videos and also amazed me a couple of days ago when i found out she can count to 10 all alone !!! Recorded it in a voice note on the mobile.

- Sara can also sing twinkle twinkle and can say the whole sentence correctly "like a diamond in the sky" :) daddy and i were amazed as usual :)

- Sara has learnt to say 3 word sentences like: open ya daddyja chce am, daj mi ipad 
- Sara can say the following words and understand their meaning in both languages:


- zabadee, yogurt
- batates
- lody
- macarona
- ryz
- chicken
- baton
- biszkopt
- chipsy
- marchewka
- jabko, apple
- banana
- woda, maya
- sok, aseer
- mleko, milk
- keka
- chleb
- ser, gebna

Animals - she can do their sounds and show them on pictures:
- pies, dog, doggie
- osiol, donkey
- cow, krowa
- kon, horse
- kogut
- delfin
- slimak
- ptaszek
- baran
- kot
- koza, goat
- lew
- penguin

Other words:
- min (when the doorbell rings, or when she knocks on doors)
- bab, dzwi 
- open
- czekaj
- choc, come
- lozko
- fireworks
- siadaj
    - lyka (lyzka) spoon

18 Months:

- Sara learn to sing many nursery  rhymes, she could sing: 
A b c song
Twinkle twinkle
Incy wincy
Ba ba black sheep
12345 once i caught a fish
Freres jaques
Rain rain go away
Jingle bells
Daddy fingers where r u
If ur happy n u know it
B i n g o
Head shoulders knees n toes

- sara could also sing: opa gangam style, we will rock u, bicycle song and we r the champions.

- she knows the shapes triangle circle star and square by words and differentiates them on a drawing

- learnt some of the colors: blue, yellow, green, red

- knows all the animals sounds and names by saying them n pointing them out.

- knows all body parts in polish arabic n english

- can count to 13 in english and to 5 in polish

- knows the different forms of transport.. knows the word and can point at and say helicopter, samolot (also says tayara airplane), autobus, pociag, bicycle, statek, motorcycle

- is able to drink from a cup by herself occasionally spilling a little

1.5 Yrs - 2 Yrs:

2 Yrs - 2.5 Yrs:
- Can speak Arabic, Polish and English and diffeentiate between each disctinctively. She knows to whom she should speak which language and can name the language.
- She is able to finish alone a 34 piece puzzle and a 50 piece puzzle with help from mama.

2.5 Yrs - 3 Yrs:

- Sara can count to 30 in English and to 10 in Arabic and Polish.
- Sara's favourite language for speaking is English, but she is also fluent n Arabic and can speak good polish just mixes up the grammar a little.

3 Yrs and 4 months:
- Sara makes her first attempts at reading. Learnt that reading is done by spelling the sound of the letters and lately she has learnt to join that sounds into a word. She was able to read the words: can, snow, big, dog, and, log, in, on, dora.

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